Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to the Wilson Family Journal. I have resisted starting one of these due to the time it takes to keep it going, but I like the idea of sharing information with our friends and family so I'll give it a shot. The first few posts will be older information, to get you up to speed. A synopsis of our family: Darin and I met in Logan, UT in 1995 and were married a year later. We lived there 2 years and then moved to Roy, UT before settling in Syracuse, UT. Darin worked in HR for a few companies and I worked for the State of Utah at the Division of Child and Family Services. We struggled getting pregnant and after many, many years and several different fertility treatments we attempted In Vitro and were blessed with twin girls in June 2007. After a brief stay in Herriman, UT, we decided to start over in California. Darin works for Rio Tinto and is currently at the Boron Mine in the Mojave Desert. Since there isn't much out there, we live in Palmdale, CA and he commutes an hour each way, everyday. Luckily he carpools to save on gas, and his sanity. Being a stay-at-home-mom is much more challenging than I thought. I don't know if it is because I am a mother of twins, but it will be a happy day when they stop whining and fighting. They are definately in their terrible two's stage and are wearing me out! It is fun to see them learn. Ava learns new words and does new things everyday. Both girls are now able to float in the pool with water wings on, all by themselves! Ava is talking up a storm. Avery took longer to start talking but is slowly catching up.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome, it will be a great deal of fun. I can't wait to see all you post. Love you, miss you.

